Mt. Province stays in Baguio Central

School Heads from the Baguio City and Mt. Province Division dance with a song called “Bangan” during the welcome program for Mt. Province delegates billeted in Baguio Central School for CARAA 2017.

The Mt. Province delegation composed of 702 strong athletes and their coaches started arriving since February 1 in Baguio Central School as their host school and designated billeting area for CARAA 2017.

The School Head of Baguio Central School, Dr. Esther K. Litilit, stated during an interview that the school prepared and assigned different working committees to accommodate and address the needs of the delegates during their stay. Facilities such as bath stations, cooking areas, sleeping stations and comfort rooms were made accessible. Potable water, blankets and beddings were made available for delegates use. Septic tanks were siphoned prior to the guests’ arrival to avoid leaks.

According to Dr. Litilit, more or less 50 classrooms were utilized.

Dr. Litilit, accompanied by other principals of Baguio Central District, faculty and staff, pupils and PTA Officers welcomed the Mt. Province delegates through a program. She opened the program by saying, “We are delighted and honored to host Mt. Province this CARAA 2017. We hope we will meet your expectation and please believe us that we will do all we can to make you comfortable even if you are away from home.”

The BCS faculty entertained their guests with a dazzling dance number while different school heads and supervisors from several school districts serenaded the Mt. Province representatives with a song. They were served snacks and refreshments as they watch the presentations.

The jovial meeting of the two divisions were even strengthened as most of the schools district supervisors and heads of Baguio City were relatively from Mt. Province.

Mrs. Susana Aliping, PSDS of Baguio Central District, was quoted saying to yhe delegates, “Nu maawanankayo, kuarta man no ania, saankayo nga mabain nga umasideg kadakami…” (If you ever lose something, money or anything, don’t hesitate to approach us).

Noel Kiaki, Taekwondo coach from Mt. Province, said that “Its nice to be back in Baguio City. We travelled for five hours by bus but we are very happy to be here. We will do our best to bring home awards for our division and having a very welcoming school like Baguio Central will surely help us make that happen.”

- Ma. Kathleen F. Fagela       - SPA (Fort del Pilar ES)
- Ma. Krishna Rae R. Abubo- SPA (Baguio Central School)

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